Thursday, 11 October 2018

Beyond The Timeline

RES - Resolution (Height of the image - 360p (youtube), 480p (laptops and monitors), 720p (HD) 1080p (HD))

Video and Audio are separate on DVD
.ac3 -- DOLBY 2.0
Timeline compression.

Video and Audio - MUXED - .mp4
Audio - .mp3
CODEC = Code - Decode
H.264 - .mp4

Rendering - sorting out the audio and video - making it neat.

LOSSY - Small, cannot be put back together, once you compress, you cannot revert to original state
.mp3, .mp4

LOSSLESS - Large, reduces a file size with no lose of quality, .avi, .WAV, .MOV

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Shortcuts and Techniques for Editing


Spacebar - play and pause
Arrow Keys - L&R
Z CMD - Undo
X CMD - Cut
C CMD - Copy
V CMD - Paste
I - In
O - Out

This is where I imported every piece of footage into my footage bin. I did this by single clicking it.

I deleted parts of the video by using the I and O short cuts to select a certain part I wanted to use. I then added the audio and lined the video up to the audio by looking at the wavelengths in the audio.

Interview Editing Technique

To add when editing an interview to make the voice more powerful.

How does it sound? - Radio edit, voice, music, SFX.
Organised Timeline - V1 & A1 have to be synced, V2 & A2 Cut aways also have to be synced, V3 - graphics.


Idea (Solution) → Investigate (Research) → Target User/Consumer → Idea Subjective - Point-of-view, your idea, your view, only valid if yo...